ITOC Committee Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee
Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee
March 27, 2025 – 5:00 pm
801 12th Street, 5th Floor – Sacramento, CA 95814
Or join the meeting virtually instructions follow in the addendum.
Voting Members: Robert Holderness, Chair
Jose Luis Caceres
Geraldine Krajewski
Ex-Officio Members: Mark Aspesi (Sacramento County Auditor-Controller designee)
David Tait (STA Chair Appointee)
Kevin Bewsey (STA Executive Director)
Staff: Dustin Purinton (STA Accounting Manager)
1. Call to order.
2. Comments from the public regarding matters not on the agenda.
3. Review and approve minutes from the February 27, 2025, meeting. ◄
4. Executive Director summary of the March 13, 2025, STA Board meeting and any current initiatives.
a. Strategy for SACOG’s Four-County STIP and MOU
b. Received Presentations
i. Mobility Zones Projects
ii. Tolling 101 and CARTA Mission Vision and Values
5. Receive County of Sacramento Presentation
a. Hazel Interchange and South Watt Projects
6. Receive Information on Staff Level Contracting Authority Resolution
7. Receive Presentation Agreed Upon Procedures Measure A Performance and Compliance Measures Report and Management Letter for the five-year period ending June 30, 2023, and consideration of a recommendation for Board approval. ◄
8. Receive Presentation Administrative Fund Budget Amendment.
9. Future Meeting Topics:
a. SacRT Measure A Review Meeting: Challenges of the upcoming fiscal cliff anticipated solutions, and early cost savings with the changes to SmaRT Ride tentatively scheduled for May 22nd.
b. Review of current SACOG Planning and Transportation Funding efforts.
10. Comments of ITOC Members
◄ Denotes items that require Committee action