Measure A
STA was founded in 1988 when Sacramento County voters approved Measure A, a half-cent sales tax for transportation improvements. More than 75 percent of voters subsequently approved a 30-year extension of Measure A, continuing this tax through 2039. STA is accountable for the responsible administration of this funding.
What It Does:
For more than 30 years, Measure A has provided local transportation funding to maintain and improve the quality of life in Sacramento County utilizing the following principles:
- To reduce traffic congestion
- To improve air quality
- To maintain and strengthen the county's road and transportation systems
- To enhance Sacramento County’s ability to secure state and federal funding by providing local matching funds
- To preserve unique, natural amenities
- To preserve agricultural land
- To serve all residents of Sacramento County.
How It Works:
Sacramento County voters, in 2004, overwhelming agreed to extend Measure A for 30 years. STA developed a expenditure plan by incorporating feedback from multiple stakeholders, such as the general public, local governments, and transportation experts. Officially titled, “The Measure A Ordinance and Transportation Expenditure Plan,” eligible expenditures were required to be incorporated into the ballot measure.
STA distributes funding per the Measure A Ordinance and Transportation Expenditure Plan to the various partner agencies based on the identified formula and/or percentages for its intended purpose.
OrdinanceTransportation Expenditure PlanEligible Expenses DefinitionTaxpayer Safeguards:
The half-cent retail transactions and use tax is statutorily dedicated for transportation in Sacramento County. It cannot be used for other governmental purposes or programs.
There are specific provisions in the Ordinance to ensure that funding from the tax is used in accordance with specified voter-approved transportation project improvements and programs. These safeguards include:
- The Expenditure Plan can only be changed with approval by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors and a majority of all cities in the County representing the incorporated population.
- Creating an ongoing Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee to supervise fiscal and performance audits regarding the use of all sales tax funds.
- Measure A funds can only supplement existing local revenues being used for transportation and shall not be used to replace existing road funding programs or to replace requirements for new development to provide for its own road needs.
- Seeking maximum funding for transportation improvements through state and federal programs. The Sacramento Transportation Authority does not provide transactions and use tax revenue to any city or to Sacramento County unless all transportation revenues currently used by that jurisdiction continue to be used for transportation purposes.
- Guaranteeing that no more than three quarters of one percent of the available funds are expended on administration of the sales tax program.
- Requiring a mandatory Expenditure Plan review every 10 years to make certain that the program reflects demographic, economic, and technology change needs. The most recent Decennial Review was approved and adopted in June 2021.