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Meeting PC Procedures

STA BoD Meeting Public Comment Procedures

In compliance with directives of the County, State, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this meeting is live stream and closed to the public. Temporary procedures are subject to change pursuant to guidelines related to social distancing and minimizing person-to-person contact.

Live Meeting comment

Make a verbal public comment during a meeting. The public comment phone line will open 15-minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Refer to the agenda and listen to the live meeting to determine when is the best time to call to be placed in queue to make a public comment. Callers may be on hold for up to an extended period of time and should plan accordingly. Dial (916) 875-2500 and follow the prompts to be placed in queue for a specific agenda item or off-agenda matter. When the Chair opens public comment for a specific agenda item or off-agenda matter, callers will be transferred from the queue into the meeting to make a verbal comment. Each agenda item queue will remain open until the public comment period is closed for that specific item.

Written Comment

Send an email comment to Include meeting date and agenda item number or off-agenda item.  Contact information is optional.  Mail a comment to 700 H Street, Suite 2450, Sacramento, CA 95814. Include meeting date and agenda item number or off-agenda item.  Contact information is optional.  Written comments are distributed to members, filed in the record, and will not be read aloud.